Sunday, January 8, 2012

jobs in social media

On reading the article "How Timeline Radically Changes Your Facebook Marketing Strategy"  this morning, I got to wondering— At what point does promoting your business on social media take so much time that you can no longer work at your business?

If small businesses need to post to their fb pages more often, it wil inevitably lead to many new full or part-time jobs for social media 'experts'. Are we expanding this new classification of job openings? Will all today's 'social media mad' tweens and teens be able to actually make a living posting to fb and twitter all day? Does it being a 'real job' that take all the fun out of it, or is it everyone's dream job? Maybe it will lead to whole new lines of bunny slippers and pjs that look like real clothes. A redefining of "business casual" can't be far behind…

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  1. I'm trying to figure out if the timeline option is worth it. Will it stay an option? Kids seem to like it. Telling the "story of your life" is kinda boring from my perspective.

  2. I doubt it will be an option. The best we can hope for with fb is either a way to opt-out or a way to control it by removing content. Every time they implement some new “feature” I think about closing my fb account.
